Kick Your Advanced Heel Pain

Kick Your Advanced Heel Pain

Kick Your Advanced Heel Pain

Part 3 in our 3-Part Heel Pain Blog Series

You have been battling the pain in your heel and you’ve exhausted all of the home remedies you can think of, including the ones mentioned in our last blog post about conservative treatments for heel pain. While conservative treatments can often help alleviate pain, for some people more advanced treatments options are necessary. That’s what we’re discussing today in more depth.

In our office, not only do we discuss conservative treatments, but I often perform a variety of procedures to help bring faster heel pain relief for my patients.

  • Strapping. We can wrap the foot using special tape to provide the most support to the plantar fascia and limit movement, which can often relieve the symptoms being experienced. This treatment can be effective in minimizing symptoms of heel pain.

  • Orthotics. These are special shoe inserts designed to help provide additional support and correction to the root cause of plantar fasciitis. It often provides the relief needed for our patients. There are a wide variety of orthotics available at many different price points. In our office we offer pre-fabricated over-the-counter shoe inserts for less than $50, as well as custom fit orthotics. Custom orthotics are generally more expensive than pre-fabricated inserts, but the benefits of custom orthotics are usually greater because they have been molded to your foot specifically, ensuring your foot is supported where you need it most. Additionally, custom orthotics are made of higher grade material and last much longer than over-the-counter devices. The cost for custom orthotics can often even be offset with insurance coverage.

  • Injections. Anti-inflammatory medication can be injected into the plantar fascial region to reduce swelling and tenderness. It can be a painful treatment for some, but is usually effective in providing relief for patients for several months at a time.

  • Night Splints. This is a brace generally worn at night to reduce “first step in the morning” pain. The device supports the foot in a “toe-up” position that allows the plantar fascia to remain gently stretched throughout the night, so your first step out of bed isn’t accompanied by pain. These also are often covered, at least partially, by insurance.

  • Surgery. When all other options have been exhausted, there are surgical options for eliminating plantar fasciitis. A special procedure can be done to release the plantar fascia, eliminating the root cause of the pain. These cases are less common and are usually only considered when both conservative and advanced treatment options have been exhausted. The vast majority of heel pain sufferers can usually find the relief they are looking for through more conservative means of treatment.

If you are suffering from heel pain, know that you don’t have to! In our three-part blog series, we’ve discussed several options for both conservative and advanced treatments for your heel pain. For many patients, a mix of at-home and in-office heel pain treatments usually works to correct their plantar fasciitis. We hope you’ve found the information in this series helpful for kicking your own heel pain! If you have questions, click here to make an appointment or call our office at 209-823-2700. We’re here to help Heel your Pain.

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